
About the portal

The Indian Science Reports portal is a repository of various quantitative indicators of Indian Scientific research during the period 2010-19. While some indicator values (namely, TP, TC and Cited %) are taken from the scholarly database Dimensions, most of the other indicators are computed by using standard Scientometric methods. Some values (such as x and x(g) index) are computed by using network-based and text-based analytical methods. Relevant comparisons with other major countries are also provided.

The main objective of the portal is to provide a glance at indicators and values related to Indian research output, both overall as well as from different institutions. The analysis presented shows indicators about research output, citations, authorship, international collaboration, gender distribution, open access, research grants and social media visibility etc. for the Indian research output during 2010-19. The portal also includes institutional reports on these indicators for 1000 Indian institutions, which have significant amount of research output during the period.

The portal does not, in any way, attempts to do any kind of research performance assessment or ranking of one or more Indian institutions. Therefore, it should not be viewed as research performance assessment exercise, which would require a lot of more data (such as number of researchers, research budget, research facilities etc.) and several normalizations (such as publications per capita, output per unit of funding etc.). The portal can be best viewed as an academic exercise to provide useful quantitative indicators & values of Indian scientific research, both at the level of the country as well as at the level of individual institutions.

The access to the Dimensions and Altmetric data for use on this portal was provided by the Digital Science team. The Indian Science Reports team thanks them for their support. Individuals/ Organisations interested in a more detailed analysis or research related data for their organisation may contact them here .

The development of this portal has been partially supported by an extra-mural research project titled "Design of a Computational Framework for discipline-wise and Thematic mapping of Research Performance of Indian Higher Education Instituions" from the NSTMIS division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India.